Friday, May 19, 2006

Jews Drink Old wine

The years teach much which the days never knew. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our world is dominated by the young. But, the Rabbinic world knows nothing of mandatory retirement. Some of our greatest modern sages dispensed indispensable advice well into their nineties.

Let me share with you another Mishna from the 4th chapter of Pirkay Avot, from which yesterday’s text came.

“Rabbi Yosi bar Yehudah of K’far Bavli taught:
To what may we compare one who learns from the young?
To one who eats unripe grapes and drinks from the vat.
To what may we compare one who learns from the old?
To one who eats ripe grapes and drinks wine that is aged.

Maybe this helps us to understand why, three times a day, we recite in the Amida the prayer for the righteous. In it we ask Gd to protect three categories of individuals: “the pious, the righteous, and the elderly” – for the three are really one. The years teach much that the days never knew.

1 comment:

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